@Anke i guess it’s still pretty little in compared to building sized libraries? but yeah it does seem a bit odder in reference to full bookcases
Food mention
@xieliansbignaturals yayy enjoy your protein shakes!
@titania ok but was it good pavlova
vintage essay & quote on fascists
@ljwrites yeah there are plenty of nice wholesome values oriented people of the type eho she says’ll never turn fascist who’ll choose whiteness over anti-fascism every time
@Forestofglory eggs and rice are a great dinner!
@Betty @Forestofglory i do love a strong tea making game
@pixouls ooh nice! i wonder if you could pollinate with a q-tip, the way you can with strawberries (which are also traditionally insect pollinated)
vintage essay & quote on fascists
@ljwrites Dorothy Thompson does a great job with the character portraits in this piece, which always makes it an enjoyable read but I can’t help but find the accuracy of her predictions to be rather suspect. Mr H certainly, would fight against foreign Naziism, but an American grown fascist movement? He’d be blinded to its evils by his own patriotic pride at American Colonialism.
@akjcv why
@netkitty this is because blankets are a kind of magic
@wallhackio @aescling definitely don’t write code for work after midnight
@aescling @wallhackio i mean, still probably wise to not write code after midnight, in the vein of devils coffee
Work Stuff
@kiesa yeah i dont think i’d ever get that one either—ce is just not a hard c sound!
when the anti woman nonsense isn’t coming from the catholic hierarchy but from the people
@maya considering the article is defending the statue they picked a pretty cowardly photo of it to use as the header
@Lady @wallhackio the paste is still a pretty reddish brown also
@Betty ahh yeah i have also gone “hm” at those on occasion
@Betty are there more fonts that are racist than the german nationalist (nazi) ones?
@mythologybot …which kind 🤔
sleepy af
also https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/
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