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« A thousand things make it impossible to mistake the verdict on queer lives and on women’s lives, as on the lives of those who are poor or not white. The hecatombs of queer youth; a decade squandered in a killing inaction on AIDS; the rapacious seizure from women of our defense against forced childbirth; tens of millions of adults and children excluded from the health care economy; treatment of homeless people as unsanitary refuse to be dealt with by periodic “sweeps”; refusal of condoms in prisons, persecution of needle‐exchange programs; denial and trivialization of histories of racism; merely the pivot of a disavowing pronoun in a newspaper editorial: Such things as these are facts, but at the same time they are piercing or murmring voices in the heads of those of us struggling to marshal “our” resources against illness, dread, and devaluation. They speak to us. They have an amazing clarity. »

eve kosofsky sedgwick, 1993

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you say you listen to queer elders? ok name five of their songs

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it’s really obvious from like a few seconds which moderators actually care about the safety of the people here, and which moderators care about cultivating a certain kind of liberal space or discussion platform with no considerations made for the fundamental vulnerabilities of being human, or not Enough for them to sacrifice their perfect vision of Liberalism in favour of actual measures to protect users

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if your posts are indistinguishable from that of a CIA plant trying to sow controversy and foil collective action, maybe consider making different posts

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the kind of idle linkfollowing which people now see as relegated to sites like Wikipedia or TVTropes was once how the entire internet operated

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post malone saw a clodsire and was like. “whale”.

you mean to tell me the point of photorealism in video game characters WASN’T phrenology??

this doesn’t excuse people living their lives in ignorance of the HTML spec tho

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html is a programming language but it shouldn’t have been

i do not want to “send zzz with bloom” i want to sleeping face emoji why did you do this

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can’t believe apple broke text suggestions in messages so that when you type zzz it no longer suggests 😴

true we do go to bed naturally late but we still only take 1AM showers for one reason

can’t believe i wrote a poem like

encounter with
noble creature of legend

her wilderness did
run me through
free of fear

and @aescling was like “i don’t want that i want steppy”

the difference between mastodon and bluesky is that bluesky users are holding out hope it will get better and mastodon users are holding out hope it won’t get worse

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mastodon is a failure for a lot of people but the alternatives are a failure for all people so imma stick with mastodon

discord isn’t just 4chan for zoomers because it’s also slashdot, and somethingawful, and tumblr, and hackernews, and reddit

remember when you could stream sports games live on your phone for free

petition to force the cowboys to move to toronto

last night i dreamt an entire Catholic easter mass, except it was actually way better and more ceremonial than a real Catholic mass, it was still like several hours tho

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.