#EndOTWRacism rec of the day is chestnut_pod’s exploration of some of the underlying structural issues which have made it so difficult to get the OTW to do anything about racism on Ao3, as well as some of the steps it would have to take to make good on the campaign promises. There’s a lively discussion going on in the comments with various further perspectives on the OTWs structure & how that relates to their continued inaction re:racism
Todays #EndOTWRacism rec: fiercynn is working on porting some of her race in fandom meta over from twitter! The first chapter is a summary of the common objections, whenever fans try to do anything about racism on Ao3:
End Racism in the OTW | Fandom, Racism, and OTW: A Collection of Thoughts (441 words) by fiercynn
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: No Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Meta, Antiracism, Racism in fandom, End OTW Racism, Racism on AO3
Meta on why addressing racism in fandom - including in the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) and AO3 - matters, and what we can do about it.
Back in June 2020 wistfuljane wrote a fantastic bibliography of the fandom discussions surrounding Black Lives Matter & the OTW Elections which was incredibly helpful at the time but! It turns out she's been keeping it updated: https://wistfuljane.dreamwidth.org/2020/06/15/a-decade-later.html
I won't claim its comprehensive because, well, Fandom has spent a *lot* of time talking about race (and failing to talk about race) in the last decade and a half but hopefully at least it provides some perspective for why so many of the people in #EndOTWRacism talk about it like they've been getting ignored by the OTW (and harassed by the OTW's "supporters") for over a decade and have zero patience left
another rec from the #EndOTWRacism collection—sassaffrassa has cut out the middle-man and posted her meta about ao3 directly to ao3:
End Racism in the OTW (290 words) by sassaffrassa
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Original Work
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Meta, End OTW Racism
to be anti-censorship you must be anti-racist too
Has anyone made a #EndOTWRacism recs thread? What are y'all reading/watching/posting
I've already boosted some far more eloquent posts by others, but I finally managed to put some thoughts down on #EndOTWRacism and how the OTW seems to have made a habit of dodging accountability by refusing to make any sort of public comment on controversial issues: https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/25796.html
The short version is I'm in favor of the campaign and encourage anyone who uses the OTW's services (namely, fanlore and Ao3) to take part.
Or, skip my perspective and go straight to the campaign's own call to action: https://end-otw-racism.tumblr.com/post/716978822501875712/fandom-against-racism-a-manifesto
sleepy af
also https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/
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