@alis haha i am sure drinking the wine was more interesting than my nosiness about undersea wine aging logistics
@alis interesting! i wonder if they treat them somehow?
@alis that can’t be good for the corks…
@wallhackio @Lady @aescling i mean that was mostly on me
@Lady @aescling @wallhackio if u dont wanna get pegged than nessa wont fuck i sorry
@geraineon @Forestofglory yeah its weird because its an amateur small project when thats convenient to them, but they’ll turn around and be like you can’t criticize us we are The Backbone of Fandom as if those aren’t mutually contradictory positions 🙄
(I am definitely cancelled by someone somewhere for calling the OTW racist)
@aescling @Lady @wallhackio margo considers “person i personally find attractive” and “lesbian” to be synonymous bc irl she is only attracted to lesbians
i DID give her a lot of shit for this when i was playing arceus bc she told me the MILF who is canonically fucking her male coworker was a lesbian
@Lady @wallhackio @aescling narcs do like to say “i am perfectly trustworthy”
@aescling @wallhackio @Lady maybe if you’re a cute enough pokemon she’ll make an exception
@Lady @wallhackio @aescling ah so we have to establish which trainer u actually wanna fuck before we can tf u then
@wallhackio @aescling @Lady do u even think Rika is hot or is the ground type stipulation completely irrelevant here
@aescling @Lady @wallhackio so pokemon probably can’t tie a knot in a cherry stem huh
@Lady @wallhackio @aescling generally i think the whole “originally pokemon and humans were no different from eachother” thing implies that either pokemon generally have the same intelligence as humans and just different priorities that causes them to express that intelligence in ways we dont immediately recognize/understand OR pokemon intentionally self bimbofied themselves at some point for some reason (maybe trading “normal” intelligence for the ability to do pokemon moves, thats gotta take up a lotta brain and energy capacity)
@Lady @wallhackio @aescling whale is an animal
@Lady hopefully the phylogenicists will sort that out soon
@Lady was the one vote for sexy u from an alt account
re: baldur's gate 3
@Lady @wallhackio prob a cognate w/frizzy
re: baldur's gate 3
@Lady @wallhackio disordered / a mess
re: baldur's gate 3
@wallhackio @Lady i answered the rest so u dont have to
re: baldur's gate 3
@wallhackio @Lady well now you learned two definitions tonight
sleepy af
also https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/
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