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@Anke if you want to recalibrate your respective rudeness, my neighbors have a TV installed in their actual backyard with huge speakers which they have no qualms about turning up quite loud. You quietly streaming radio news sounds incredibly pleasant in comparison

if your goal is solely making NFC east make sense virginia does not have a team but unfortunately I already have beef with the virginia cowboys and they don’t even exist yet

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-makes NFC east make some vague geographical sense
-the texans came first which & have a real awkward name if they’re gonna let texas have other teams
- gives new england someone to root for besides the patriots which is great because fuck the patriots

- cowboys fans might somehow become even worse??? hard to imagine tbh

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i’ll let toronto decide whether or not they want to change the name bc it’d be equally funny either way

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petition to force the cowboys to move to toronto

koreapol coup, protest, kids, homophobia 

@ljwrites oof running in the heat can be brutal, maybe kiddo will have to work their way up to that one

koreapol coup, protest, kids 

@ljwrites haha well, kiddo can have another parade when he’s arrested and not just impeached 😂 or we can teach him about Pride

@rowyn umbrals mostly not a cat shape also sounds adorable

koreapol coup, impeach +++ caps 

@ljwrites yay!!!!

@kelson glad its working well for you! and hopefully your non mac options are also decent?

@geraineon @Forestofglory ooh what a nice little machine! the farm eggs we get are ungraded so probably would get…irregular results using it tho alas

@Lady girls are mostly made of water so u wld also expect them to expand while freezing

hm maybe i will just rec rss feeds for the rest of the month. dreamwidth tells me i have a lot of them 🤔

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also if you want somewhere to start off your RSS feeds, acoup writes a very accessible and enjoyable history blog which mixes posts about points of interest in European history (mostly rome, which is his specialty but venturing into the middle ages at times) with breakdowns of pop culture topics eg. would any of that sci-fi hardshell body armor actually work?

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