Have not been up on this year (I keep meaning to, & even thinking of things to rec and then forgetting 😅) but I do want to take a moment to rec subscribing to things via RSS! I just use dreamwidth.org’s built in reader which is Extremely Minimalist but there are many nice fuller featured rss readers out there (eg. netnewswire.com )

@Satsuma I love NetNewsWire! Sadly, the only mac I use regularly is for work, so I have to make do with other reader apps most of the time


@kelson glad its working well for you! and hopefully your non mac options are also decent?

@Satsuma I use Nextcloud News to sync my subscriptions and read/unread status. NewsFlash is a good one on Linux, and the NextCloud News app is good on Android.

I haven't found one I really like on Windows, but RSS Guard as least works well. I've also been trying out Vivaldi's feed support lately.

I reviewed a bunch of them back when I stopped using Feedly: https://hyperborea.org/reviews/tag/feeds/

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