@wallhackio if you wanna be miserable watching things i recommend Argentina, 1985 and La Historia Oficial
@wallhackio is this better or worse than enjoying "shake it" by metro station
@Lady i forgot about that
@xsssm reasonable (i say as kind of a yellow hater)
re: food
@Lady yes i have not internalized this as a single category.
@Satsuma @wallhackio do they grade quals on a curve? i would have assumed not
@wallhackio @aescling to describe receiving something from a younger relation. a hand-me-up if you will.
@aescling @wallhackio those are very reasonable interpretations. more so than how i actually used it today but i enjoyed it.
@wallhackio i guess i'm adapting to celsius because i saw this and was like "oh that sounds nice"