
what would you expect “exherit” as a verb to mean?

@alyssa if a child inherits traits from their father, then the father exherits traits to his child

@wallhackio @alyssa looking at how the purrefix functions (, and the meaning of the root hērēditō (, i think the most likely accepted meaning would be to deprive one of the state of being an heir

@aescling @wallhackio those are very reasonable interpretations. more so than how i actually used it today but i enjoyed it.

@wallhackio @aescling to describe receiving something from a younger relation. a hand-me-up if you will.

@alyssa Hm.

For some reason, my first intuition is "to manipulate circumstances such that you, and outsider to the family, recieve wealth or property that would have been expected to be passed down within the family instead".

I wouldn't be shocked if it were used as something else, tho.

@gaditb @alyssa my theory was somewhat similar, which was the loss of genes (or other assets) which are not passed down through inheritance

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