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@JessMahler rainbows are a classic for a reason and the bi flag will likely get a lot of takers

@alyssa @Lady @wallhackio my understanding is that the original niacine creed contained no reference to the son in that line and that the thru argument was a compromise which made everyone unhappy

@Lady @wallhackio @alyssa can’t believe i’m getting messed by filioque of all things i’m siding with the byzantines here

@platypus i’m glad you thought to ask, and that they were able to fix it!

@wallhackio @Lady @alyssa fair but i still think if you are non trinitarian you dont get a say in who came first (the trinitarian pentecostals can stay tho i guess)

@bea i hope you can sort it out! or just say fuck it and post under a “its complicated, sorry” warning

@wallhackio @Lady do evangelicals care enough about the holy ghost to get a say here

#AO3TagOfTheDay update: 

@Lady teens are nevernudes???

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio @Lady @aescling ive read some fanfiction that says otherwise

re: baldur's gate 3 

@Lady @aescling @wallhackio so you’re telling me he’s too twinky to be an otter?

@MrL314 yeah that was 100% a thinking about the fin shape/placement ID, the body doesn’t feel right at all—but I couldn’t come up with anything better so I figured it was worth tossing out? Extremely not an expert when it comes to fish tho so hopefully someone more knowledgable comes along :)

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio @Lady @aescling come dunk on your twin

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio @Lady have u not recruited astarion yet

baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio i asked margo and she said rotated

Friendships and fiction 

@compostablespork i have met some people who are like that but they are 100% sorority people which i am happy not to be for other reasons so, maybe not like it lol

@dexter everything in life is political but that doesn’t make people wanting to control when they’re subjected to party politics unreasonable—rather it is in fact the reason *why* so many people need to avoid party politics

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.