Friendships and fiction 

Heard yet another person in their 50s say regretfully "I never had a tight group of friends, you know like in The Big Chill" (movie from the 80s that involves a friend reunion, but think of Friends or virtually any sitcom).

But think for a second - writing a story/making a movie or TV show, etc - it's so much easier to center things inside a known, tight, recurring cast.

That this is a writing/casting aid widely used in media does not make it a normal or ideal way that real people have real friends.

I can't tell you how many people have lamented to me their lack of having one big close interconnected friend group. But I literally know no one whose relationships work like that. Even the most social people I know have tons of nonoverlapping connections and maybe some loose ties to a class or old team, but rarely are those groups particularly close or lasting.

I just want to grab all of us and say: please stop thinking you're a social weirdo for not living in a sit com.


Friendships and fiction 

@compostablespork i have met some people who are like that but they are 100% sorority people which i am happy not to be for other reasons so, maybe not like it lol

Friendships and fiction 

@Satsuma @compostablespork Also I don't know if this is true for the groups you've seen (Satsuma), but like you, I've seen a couple, and they are really, really, toxic and messed up underneath the facade.

I like my smaller circles, and the freedom and openness and growth I find in those.

re: Friendships and fiction 

@hollie @Satsuma @compostablespork there's a local group like this that I'm tangentially connected to, and the clique factor is off the charts. they act all lovey-dovey (both in public and with each other), but they treat each other with contempt and constantly assume that relationships with people outside the group can only work that way, resulting in them using everyone around them, and nobody but their in-group putting up with their bullshit.

the few that have escaped it are considerably more well-adjusted than the ones who still hang onto their "us above all" attitude.

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