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@Lady @aescling i asked margo why he was aiming for such a specific number and she said it had to do with sending delegates to the DSA constitution so like, that is internal politics & not even pretending to be about advancing the cause of socialism???

@moonsea yeah generally better to just pretend they don’t exist lol

@alyssa twice a week technically, but any individual address only gets it picked up on one of the routes so from a residents perspective its once

@Betty canada’s coat of arms *should* have a beaver on it tho definitely


@akjcv damn ace people arent allowed to have kinks now? gonna have to go down to the bureau and return my card

@aescling @wallhackio its dissociating bc it can see the time and date of your death

@Lady @wallhackio @aescling if it makes u feel better it was funny, but also what do u expect when trying to tease someone about how much sex you have? that they wont tease back with ahh clearly you’re having less?

@Lady to be clear, i was objecting to her description of poptarts, not posts

@aescling @Lady having a girlfriend who you live kinda kills the performative pining opportunities

grief, death 

@celli i’m so sorry! 🫂

@Lady @aescling @wallhackio i dont think the fact that you have qualms with modern christianity is news

@titania they are pretty different materials, so i guess they need a different approach?

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.