character sets
• ascii compatibility is assumed
• this is just the mandatory set of formatting characters and the alphabetic ones; i’m still working on punctuation and symbols
• this is a variable-width-compatible encoding, so each codepoint has 80–9F or E0–FF as its first byte and A0–DF as its second
@wallhackio listen to SPECTRA by CHIPZEL
re: online identities
if i really wanted to split the two i would probably just have to transfer those posts back to my $workname website instead of hosting them at and probably scrub them of some other information as well
re: online identities
i don’t think i can ever fully separate out the work i did on mastodon or glitch‐soc from my current worksona, unfortunately
the problem is that all the WRITING i did about mastodon is rather closely linked to my not‐very‐worksona, and like, i linked to specific commit hashes so
re: online identities
pretty much all of my contributions to things prior to 2022 were made using an old no-reply email tied to my username so if i changed it that would basically sever that link
wonder what username i contributed to mastodon under
re: prrgrrmmng
this code doesn’t appear to quite work so i’ll be fixing it and re‐pushing those tags after work today
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.