re: browser engines
; { const sum = (() => {"use strict"; return (x,i=0) => x === 0 ? i+x : sum(x-1,i+x)})(); sum(5000000) }
Works On My Machine
tech culture
heaven forbid one of those implementations be open source because then it will within a year be held together by the struggling efforts of an unrecognized generally good queer weirdo despite the fact that the original code was written by a friend of a literal nazi, and then it becomes impossible to tell whether supporting it is good or not
tech culture
“i’m so genius i made a thing which thousands of people use” no, you’re trash and your thing is trash, you’re just popular
tech culture
it’s very depressing working in a field full of shit standards which only exist because some startup bro spent like a weekend throwing it together and it took off on twitter and now there are five interoperable implementations which no competitor will ever be able to usurp
“scripting languages”
the language discourse has somewhat faded (not entirely tho, as evidenced by the whole “typescript is better than javascript” crowd) but the “real programmers don’t write scripts they develop Frameworks and build Applications” sentiment absolutely hasn’t
oh i bet this is why it is slow
hope to have the source code up sometime this weekend
but before doing that i at least need to write a README for it
maybe indexing every website on the internet is the actual problem and we should only be indexing the good ones
it probably is easier to train an A·I system to recognize and elevate high-quality sources than it is to fix whatever Google’s current algorithm is
until that A·I system becomes popular and S·E·O starts targeting it instead, at which point you have a black box you can’t do anything with
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.