@aescling but lowkey this is code for “i’m a liberal :)”
@aescling bitch if you want to know about them then ask
@Satsuma the punchline is that they would still eat kraft dinner
@Satsuma If I Had $1,000,000 – Barenaked Ladies
@coriander thorsgender transday
re: usa politics
@katrani @coriander right but you gotta understand, these people didn’t run for office because they wanted to enact change. they ran for office because they wanted to hold positions of power, and now they are doing whatever it takes to hold onto whatever little microdoses of power they can salvage. it doesn’t matter that this isn’t effective strategy for achieving their policy agenda. they do not care about their policy agenda. they just don’t want the rug to get pulled out from under them. they would rather be useless figureheads whose primary function is as a scapegoat and foil for Republican lawmakers than be in the situation of, for example, the three Tennessee lawmakers who were stipped of their committee appointement and two of whom were expelled from the Tennessee House in 2023 after they protested in favour of gun control.
« The Moose made his debut during the Mariners' home opener on April 13, 1990, dancing on the field in front of a sell-out crowd at the Kingdome to the tune of "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" by Timbuk 3. However, his introduction was not warmly received; Mariners fans repeatedly chanted, "Kill the Moose," during the game. The reception remained very negative throughout the first two months of the season; not even a world record attempt on May 6 for the longest indoor flight could improve the Moose's reputation. As a result, the team reportedly sent him to Philadelphia to take lessons from the Phillie Phanatic, the official mascot for the Philadelphia Phillies Major League Baseball team. » lmao
@Satsuma @wallhackio @alyssa you don’t have to accept filioque to get the ordering so long as you accept that the Holy Spirit proceeded THRU the Son if not FROM him, but some Eastern radicals seem to think that the Holy Spirit and the Son happened at the same time (well, the Son is eternal, so it would have to be the same before-time)
@wallhackio @alyssa @Satsuma i think if a biblical scholar does not acknowledge the Nicene Creed they are not much of a biblical scholar
@alyssa @wallhackio oops sorry @Satsuma the Nicene Creed states
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
so Jesus is God 2 and the Holy Spirit is God 3 it seems; we are losers and frauds
@alyssa @Satsuma @wallhackio hmmmMmmMM
usa politics
@coriander @katrani the vibes we have gotten from our local Dems is that they want to keep having a seat at the table and are afraid to piss off the Republicans to the extent that they stop being offered the chance to compromise on tiny bullshit that doesn’t matter. this is obviously a nazi bar situation and the wrong tactic but. they are terrified of not being allowed in the room where it happens anymore, and are clinging to that at the expense of everything else
@Satsuma @wallhackio @alyssa i would think being nontrinitarian would make it easier to put them in sequence? but if you don’t believe God = Holy Ghost = Christ are you even Christian?
@Satsuma @wallhackio i don't think evangelicals believe this tho
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“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.