
character sets 

here’s what i was working on this weekend

character sets 

• ascii compatibility is assumed
• this is just the mandatory set of formatting characters and the alphabetic ones; i’m still working on punctuation and symbols
• this is a variable-width-compatible encoding, so each codepoint has 80–9F or E0–FF as its first byte and A0–DF as its second

re: character sets 

@aescling just how the maths works out; anyway there’s three more of these

re: character sets 

@Lady A return to true classic Lady form, and a self-synchronizing one at that. Good luck!

re: character sets 

@Lady (Not that you've necessarily not been classic Lady, but it has been a minute since I've seen you playing with charsets or keyboards. 🙂)

re: character sets 

@aschmitz i’ve been doing it but it’s taking a while to get to a place where i have things to share 😆

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