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zelda games 


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zelda games 

people are still being like “breath of the wild is a complete reboot of the entire franchise” as though half of all zelda games aren’t complete reboots of the entire franchise

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (19) 

uhhhh 1/10

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (19) 

oh god seriously this counts?? smash bros harem X werewolf link and you had to have zelda give him a blowjob huh

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (18) 

2/10 blowjob. maybe 2.5? it was actually better than the surrounding prose but a little brief and mechanical about it

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (18) 

« She had long ago perfected how to work herself with her fingers and other insertables » any table can be an insertable if you believe in yourself

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (18) 

this is the least sexy undressing scene i have ever read

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (18) 

« Link gasped, nearly faltering. He could not believe his ears. The Princess felt… for him? » this sounds like an extreme reaction but actually that is 💯 on brand for link

in fairness i have now mentally replaced him with the link from Phantom Hourglass

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (18) 

you are not a good enough writer to swing a link that talks but has no lines of dialogue

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (18) 

this author just completely punting on the idea of actually coming up with things for link to say and just going “he said some things and they were very effective which shows he knows her super well”

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (18) 

if you're going to mention link walking in on zelda when she is nearly naked, the least you could do is try to sell it

translation takes 

i say this because this is the default mode of interaction for white people, and so the only way to foil it is to target your translation specifically at them

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translation takes 

honestly if white people don’t horribly misunderstand your translation and populate it with their own pre·existing beliefs about the world, it probably isn’t very good

I didn't get the same
message yesterday, but it
had been quite windy

Her mother sees the
couple drive off, but doesn't
wake up her father

tears of the kingdom 

i don't care about the new mechanics where are the plot writeups

shadow the hedgehog 

dating simulator

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (17) 

i think the part of the story which is not a blowjob is a little bit of a slog to get through and not very interesting so like. not exactly a rec regarding the fic as a whole but the author is not terrible at smut

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (17) 

7/10 blowjob!

- the bit leading up to it has some nice moments
- generally pretty good progression for a first time blowjob fic
- kind of silly and absurd at times in harmless ways

- the pacing has some starts and stops and the beginning especially doesn't quite land right
- i think it is a bit too committed to exposition at the expense of vibes
- zelda is a little TOO into it lol

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (17) 

unlike 90% of blowjob fic authors apparently, this one knows the word “cock”

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