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how dare you make anime star wars and not give them the opportunity for copious scenic long takes with nature sounds

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visions episodes were way too fucking short that's my take on star wars visions

« queers are perhaps even already dead and cannot die »

hey so i see you wrote about queer grief? well, here's what judith butler says on the subject:

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uggghhh i think i am going to have to quote Copious Queer Theory in my response to this response to my review of this fanfiction

type of lad who gets mad about the christianization of the night of October 31st 🤝 type of lad who gets mad about the dechristianization of the night of October 31st

missing the point

this is why you shouldn’t write third‐person limited

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do you not realize that you can maintain the suspense of the situation WITHOUT having your protagonist look like a fool, by simply not revealing their plan until the appropriate moment instead of forcing them to come up with it on the fly every time

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what is it about fiction authors and having people realize things in the moment

hate to break it to you, fanfiction protagonist, but every diary is equally rare

brain has not been doing the thinky lately

do you, for some reason, think that i will parse this better as a voiceover in real time

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when people post youtube videos for what is essentially just a paragraph of text

when th dogge run ond th dogges eares flappen

everyone knows “has raised questions” is bullshit for “we don’t know what we’re talking about” right

the question wasn’t raised, you just finally started paying attention

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and you are listening to national public radio 🎵

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the controversy of whether trans people should be respected or punched in the face has raised questions about identity, sexuality, and the future of martial arts

when the protagonist has two emotional states and they’re “asshole” and “rage”

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.