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“what is StatusNet??” the curious reader may ask

well, you may have heard of GNU Social?? no??

StatusNet is what they called GNU Social before 2014

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if you know what rainbow dash network is, you have officially been on this website too long

it runs StatusNet 1.0.1

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SOMEDAY i will see someone posting from and my initial thought won’t be to mistake it for Rainbow Dash Network

epic life hack for people who have a little bit of rope lying around 

use it to tie knots!!

continue with your yarns and lies, TIME; i see you

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TIME claims “Male movie stars have often been defined by an old model of masculinity”, but i think those of us who have read “One Hundred Years Of Men Taking Off Their Shirts” in BuzzFeed.News know it’s actually the opposite

you think the Xbox has confusing names but wait until you learn about firearm ammunition

the kind of idle linkfollowing which people now see as relegated to sites like Wikipedia or TVTropes was once how the entire internet operated

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when i was in high school most of the art i was exposed to was from browsing e.g. Category:Romanticism on Wikimedia Commons, and maybe part of this is the blame of Wikimedia Foundation for not prioritizing that kind of discovery in their apps, but it just seems to me like that kind of web browsing has died a slow, gothic death over the past decade

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do kids these days even know what project gutenberg is??

oh wait, it’s a website not an app, so of course they don’t


i don’t like OOP but i’m pretty sure the things i like are things that the people who don’t like OOP consider to be OOP and don’t like

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i don’t know what people mean when they say OOP

i get unreasonably upset when characters in fic use bad strategy

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.