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wake up morning
eat (dog) breakfast
walk the perimeter
woof at thing (maybe)
sniff ground (definitely)
lay in grass
look real cute (accidentally)
life as dog

why is everyone releasing christmas albums in october

eve kosofsky sedgwick, diplomatically choosing her words in the preface to the 2008 edition: “I’m willing to say nowadays that when I’ve had sex with another person, it has been with a man.”

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eve kosofsky sedgwick, writing Epistemology of the Closet: i will simply decline to say whether i am a lesbian or a heterosexual

eve kosofsky sedgwick:

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Eve Kosofsky “why am i so personally invested in reading male homosexuality into classic literary texts” Sedgwick

catholics don’t like to point out other people’s flaws :)

i can’t stop watching it

my brain just keeps yelling CONDOM!!

i don’t even know why

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they’re advertising table leg condoms on TV

samus leaving a mario galaxy save file like 🤯

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from the internet’s selection of images maybe mario galaxy had the head‐planets and metroid wii just used heads next to the save file but regardless

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i’m not making this up am i like i’m pretty sure it was a thing

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samus leaving a metroid prime wii save file like 🤯

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remember in metroid prime wii how they had planets which look like miis

these are strong opinions but i don’t feel like they should be difficult to accommodate

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first it was “romance literature can have some good qualities”, then it was “you don’t have to limit the perspective of your writing if you don’t want to”, then it was “here is what queer theory has to say about grief and mourning”

today it is “pretentious writing advice is bad and people should just explain in clear language when things are useful and when they aren’t”

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why do i share my opinions on the internet

« most people in the U.S. focus on Columbus as an explorer, not as an Italian »

i simply do Not know how to talk about Romantic literature with somebody who does not understand the Freudian distinction between mourning and melancholia

will i get praised or cancelled for my extensive knowledge of queer theoretical approaches to grief and mourning, episode 117/????

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.