re: baldur's gate 3
@wallhackio @aescling @coriander she did watch a dude whip me and get real horny about it tho
re: baldur's gate 3
@wallhackio @aescling @coriander no fucked laezel, shadowheart is still like "maybe once i fix my mommy issues"
re: baldur's gate 3
@wallhackio @aescling @coriander she got mad at me that shadowheart liked me but only after i fucked her
well actually she got mad at shadowheart
re: baldur's gate 3
@wallhackio you’ll be waiting a while
baldur's gate 3
@wallhackio depends who you want to fuck
@coriander and the original formulation was kind of interesting, because it positioned normcore as a collectivist reaction to an age of hyperindividualism, but it very very quickly lost those vibes
@coriander yeah so they were like “when millennials all obsess over the same kpop band instead of cultivating unique musical tastes that's normcore” and then people were like “when sorority girls all wear the same sweater that’s normcore” and then people were like “when i wear baja blast blue that’s tacobellcore”
@coriander oh normcore is what started it lol
as originally formulated, there was a distinction between “acting basic” (looking hashtag-basic as an aesthetic statement) and “normcore” (deliberately seeking out sharable and commonly-held experiences over unique ones to boost relatability) but then everyone used the latter to mean the former and it kind of devolved from there
@coriander i think normcore is okay because it’s just the logical conclusion of straightedge
@coriander nothing more punk than being completely comfortable in your environment
@aescling @coriander like sure, give me a small portion so i can try all the food trucks
but in a restaurant there is only one food truck
@aescling @coriander if it’s not being served out of a food truck in a row of 10 other food trucks i don’t have time for this bullshit
@coriander @aescling @wallhackio like sometimes i’m like “it would be badass if i robbed this loser rich dude” so i savescum until i successfully rob the loser rich dude
or “it would be badass if i picked this lock” so i savescum for a crit success on a lock that i shouldn't be able to pick
but it has to be badass, that’s the rule
@coriander @aescling @wallhackio the rule is only savescum when it’s totally badass
@aescling you also think absol looks cool
@aescling @coriander also milfs are hot
@aescling @coriander nice
@aescling @coriander but what is your maximum age cat
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
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