Unless your thing is explicitly messy and countercultural, don't call it somethingpunk

And if your thing has nothing to do with anything called hardcore, definitely don't call it somethingcore

Sorry not sorry

@coriander i think normcore is okay because it’s just the logical conclusion of straightedge

@coriander oh normcore is what started it lol

as originally formulated, there was a distinction between “acting basic” (looking hashtag-basic as an aesthetic statement) and “normcore” (deliberately seeking out sharable and commonly-held experiences over unique ones to boost relatability) but then everyone used the latter to mean the former and it kind of devolved from there


@coriander yeah so they were like “when millennials all obsess over the same kpop band instead of cultivating unique musical tastes that's normcore” and then people were like “when sorority girls all wear the same sweater that’s normcore” and then people were like “when i wear baja blast blue that’s tacobellcore”

@coriander and the original formulation was kind of interesting, because it positioned normcore as a collectivist reaction to an age of hyperindividualism, but it very very quickly lost those vibes

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