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@aescling @Satsuma @alyssa quaquaval has boy pants and i respect this choice in gender presentation

@alyssa @aescling @Satsuma i guess i’m just surprised that the kids who liked singing had time for drama club and weren’t in, y’know, choir

@aescling @Satsuma @alyssa because my high school theatre friends were all in on the magic

@aescling @Satsuma @alyssa and your high school theatre friends sang?? and didn’t do magic tricks??

@aescling @Satsuma @alyssa so your high school didn’t have a theatre program, then

@alyssa @Satsuma @aescling i think it’s more obvious in the second evolution; brionne clearly dances as the pokédex entries illustrate

@Satsuma @aescling @alyssa “To Primarina, every battle is a stage. It takes down its prey with beautiful singing and dancing.”

@alyssa @aescling i realize that primarina is more technically idol girl but idol girl is closer to dance than choir

best starter pokémon?

@epilanthanomai if you connect the dots, what i’m saying here is that good tech is created by small teams for small numbers of clients. tech is in a bad place right now because we have big companies with lots of employees providing vendored solutions, instead of lots of small companies providing highly specific solutions for individual usecases or clients. it is not that we have too many software developers, it’s that they’re all working to build flashy new features for Google instead of working to make the medical charts at the local hospital actually respect patients’ lived names. the former makes money while the latter has no funding.

but as to your question, “what companies”? no companies. all the best tech work is happening in-house at an institution whose main mission is something else. and you never see it unless you work there.

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.