@aescling 🛡️
@aescling shit i voted that it is not a fish, but i was wrong
@aescling what argument are you resolving here
@alyssa what's the book
re: Toxic and evil
@coriander @amy ok
re: Toxic and evil
@coriander @amy never seen die hard please forgive me 🥺
@coriander @amy my b
@coriander @amy Death Note 3: Death Notest
@aescling not liking it a second time, you had your chance.
Movie/animation/anime fan. Videogame enjoyer. Food liker. Physics and mathematics hobbyist. Software Engineer. Professional wonk. I would not be surprised if I had autism + adhd. I like animals that wear cowboy hats.
"i regret ever allowing him here" ~aescling