@coriander .................................................
@coriander the what now
@threeofswords holy shit what a baby
re: all caps
used ghost deck, got a polychrome version of vagabond on first store. i used this to create a million steel and glass cards, and a lot of lucky death tarot cards to create like, 12 cards with blue seals
i got swashbuckler and a negative gift card early, and then got trio early and settled on a 3-of-a-kind build. i got hologram (x11.5!), blackboard, and constellation (x4.3!) as well. very happy.
i lost ante 13 immediately afterwards lmao
@aescling balatroposting
@coriander kissing the homies isn't gay if you do it in a top sort of way
missing the homies is inherently bottom behavior and therefore gay
@coriander he must be tired from being so smug
@BestGirlGrace i understand the monty hall problem logically, but i still intuitively struggle to believe it
@coriander that is a smug-ass eevee
@alyssa what does that mean?
@monorail i just unlocked the cloning joker and i have had so much fun with it it is my baby
@monorail i can only imagine rejecting PRs in open-source development
Movie/animation/anime fan. Videogame enjoyer. Food liker. zss sux propagandist. Physics and mathematics hobbyist. Software Engineer. Professional post malone hater. I would not be surprised if I had autism + adhd. I like animals that wear cowboy hats.