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@Lady this reminds me when i was looking through the comments for an ost from banjo-kazooie and a lot of people said they would put a particular song from that game in their christmas playlist

@Lady i love the celeste soundtrack but i have never thought of it as christmas music?

actual opinion 

small changes is lovely

needless antagonism 

i'm relistening to small changes and it's pretty good but it doesn't hold a candle artistically to playboi carti

Angela Collier is starting to become one of the New Great Video Essayists

@Lady what was that soul album I called "boring" again

@Lady we actually had good pop music this year. especially during the summer

why does it feel right-wing to still be mad about the star wars prequels

catwin boosted

when you have multiple glitchcat tabs open, notifications sfx are played for each tab open.

Every boost, like, and comment on this so I can hear a glorious cacophony of notification sfx

@Satsuma Are life's charms not worth doing for their own sake?

@Satsuma i want hear 15 notification sfx every time i get a notifaction

when you have multiple glitchcat tabs open, notifications sfx are played for each tab open.

Every boost, like, and comment on this so I can hear a glorious cacophony of notification sfx

catwin boosted

best whale pokemon:

Twitter is the funniest it has ever been the past two days

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.