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🎵 You are good
🎵 all the time
🎵 all the time
🎵 You are good 🎵

the bitcoin video is probably the most Problematic one 3Blue1Brown ever made but ngl, it’s a Problematic Fave of mine

@compufox the entire UI. and number of bugs (which goes up). and performance (which goes down)


to my understanding it’s in beta if you want to try it. iOS users (who have been using the React Native build) would not recommend to my understanding. idk ask packetcat

re: highposting, mumbling 

@melaniemoo i just think of them like prageru; it can be fun to see just how bullshit they’ll be sometimes

i don’t know that i’ve ever written a sonnet that didn’t get self-aware at the end in a trasparent stretch to 14 lines


So! You think yourself the toughest guy?
Inclined to have a rough go in the bed?
In so doing, tough to satisfy?
And out of bed, you always puff your chest?
Then know that I am of the baddest type,
Inclined to make your mother so upset,
Your girlfriend, I make mad and scream and cry,
To do so, I need only take to pen,
And then seduce your dear father thereby!
It may be true that I’m opposite of best;
’Tis obv’ous truth, on which you can rely.
I may only be like this for the rest
Of life, my life, so this sonnet I write.

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.