highposting, mumbling 

i don't trust anyone that calls themselfs a Political Commentator on Twitch dot TV

re: highposting, mumbling 

white dudes on twitch dot tv doing political commentary


re: highposting, mumbling 

actually like tagging my highposting posts bc i need to see the kinds of shit i post while high af

re: highposting, mumbling 

like last night I was really in my feelings on the AD, lmao

it was a bit much but damn i felt that

re: highposting, mumbling 

but it looks like it's either random shit, lewd posting or just me being too emotional for my own damn good 😂 lord

re: highposting, mumbling 

so glad that i found out about the tilt lock on my chair, feels good to lean back and close my eyes a bit

i almost passed out until my main monitor flashed bc my game finally loaded

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.