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tfw you type too fast and ó turns into ´ø

Satsuma boosted
Satsuma boosted
Satsuma boosted

@aescling @Satsuma like just build a save file editor into the game honestly

Satsuma boosted

Strangers are not going to poison your kids at Halloween. This tweet is a variation on a 70s urban legend. It has never happened. I don't mean "it'd be like being hit by lightning", because getting hit by lightning actually happens and THIS DOESN'T.

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Satsuma boosted

📟🐱 GlitchCat Sunday Post (26 September 2021) 

§ Instance News

• No major updates! Everything seems to be running smoothly!

§ From Our Members

@Satsuma created caramels! You can see pictures here: ‹ ›.

• In the process of re·organizing/consolidating my internet presence, I wrote an XSLT ‹ › which can be used to generate index pages like ‹ › and ‹ › from linked Atom feeds/archives! See the source code for those pages, or @ me for an explanation of how it works.

Satsuma boosted

Tupperware is full so I’m closing out for the night! Thank you to everyone who stopped by :)

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Basil plants have been (literally) cut down to size & turned into a pound of pesto for the freezer plus a bit extra for dinner tonight!

And caramels are pretty much cool so the cutting/weighing & wrapping process will probably start soon

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We’re into the uncharted ‘find things to do while caramel cools’ territory

Usually I’d just leave it over night but I need these done by pretty early tomorrow so

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Also feel free to @ me if you’re having trouble joining, etc

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I’m making caramels so, as per tradition, I’ve opened a jitsi room! Please drop by if you’d like to verify i have a face / chat about things / just generally keep me company while I work :)

Satsuma boosted

Honestly I might just start calling him that myself

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Today in Overly Qualified: someone just called Octavian "the best Roman emperor to that point"

i messed up the a & b labels here but ah well you kno what i mean

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I realize this is highly specific but I feel in my heart that it's a trope and I'm struggling to think of examples (besides the one that inspired the q)

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Hey does anyone know of any media where: character a semi-randomly gives a speech about how much they trust character b, unknowingly guilting character b into not going through with or saving character b from their murder plot?

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.