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I'm holding a Book Launch Party on 4 October for my queer portal fantasy NON-PLAYER CHARACTER and its tie-in TTRPG!

Come watch on Twitch or hang out in the virtual library on Feral!

Books! Chatting! ADVENTURE!

For more information, visit:

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📟🐱 GlitchCat Sunday Post (19 September 2021) 

§ Instance News

• We’ve set up a new fork for the instance, derived from GlitchSoc, at ‹ ›. For now, the name of the fork (subject to change) is “Kibicat Mastodon”. We haven’t committed much code yet, but there has been a great deal of discussion about goals and direction via the GitHub Discussions pane.
Kibicat Mastodon is not presently looking for individual outside contributors, but we ⁜are⁜ interested in working with other communities / instances to meet mutual goals. Contact us (by which I mean me) if you’re interested in collaborating with us!

• A bunch of new cat‐ and pokémon‐themed emoji have been added to the instance! Use them to your heart’s content :Eevee_joyful:.

• The server was upgraded for the first time without any issue 🎉!

• It is not feasible for me to personally vet every instance that GlitchCat federates with, but I have begun doing so for the larger instances and applied mutes or blocks as appropriate. I’m hoping to push some changes to the fork soon which will make future bookkeeping simpler in this respect.

§ From Our Members

• I published another episode of my pokémon fanfiction, can you believe it?! You can read it from the beginning here: ‹ ›.

[Accomplish something cool? Tell me about it and I’ll be happy to give it a feature!]

An international student asked me, essentially, what school districts and bussing is (because it had come up in conversation that the school i went to was technically outside city limits) and let me tell you, that is not an easy question to answer concisely

covid (neg, as always lol) 

On the one hand, I have a lot of sympathy for people who have allergies/asthma/other weird sinus stuff going on

On the other, I kinda believe *none* of us should be attending classes in person

And on the third, it is extremely difficult to concentrate on classwork when you have 'multiple hundred cases on campus per week' and 'person with an ill fitting mask coughing nonstop two rows behind you' in your head at the same time

Shoutout to my sister's autocorrect for producing the sentence "are thou not dead at 0º Kelvin"

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Article on Long Covid that connects it to ME/CFS:

"The condition that’s been most closely linked to long Covid is ME/CFS [...] a post-viral neurological condition, primarily characterised by chronic, debilitating fatigue and post-exertional malaise (PEM) – where symptoms worsen after even minor physical or mental exertion. An estimated 75 to 80% of people with ME are women, and the condition has long been under-researched, stigmatised, and poorly understood."


Pissing off everyone in equal measure by calling it nuWars & the STST

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In case anyone was somehow unaware, I'm very much a 'not gay as in happy but queer as in fuck you' kind of queer

I think dreamwidth is having some sort of intermittent server issues?

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NEW VIDEO: Gays In Space: The Limits of Cisnormative Sci-fi

did a new video peeps! (sorry for the delay ^^;)

its another unscripted one, talking mostly about gender and the Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers. shares, comments, likes and all other algorithm pleasing activities appreciated as ever 💫

The cat in question wasn’t there but i will still have to apologize

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Accidentally miscalculated my 17 year old cats age and said she was 12 the other day

Thats one thing I will miss about the shop i guess

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Local timeline is much less useful when your server is 100% mutual follows lol

📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.