@platypus whats your take on the curse of billy penn?
@pastelsinmysky aww so fierce!
@coriander i got an a in calc 1 and it wasn’t a difference in material difficulty, just that the calc 1 prof gave credit based on work shown while the calc 2 only graded based on final answer. I had to get my extra time accommodation bumped from 1.5x to 2x purely so i could go through endlessly carefully checking my arithmetic for dropped minus signs etc
@pamela yeah i think they do a very good job of designing games that are fun for both crowds! (or all three i guess since presumably some people play hard instead of normal or maddening)
@pamela girlfriend is playing the new (ish?) fire emblem so i am now playing 3 houses
she is playing on maddening mode and spending ages doing all sorts of tactical planning while i am playing on normal (the easiest option) and being like weeee lets put the blorbos in outfits
@Betty dog breeds are a social construct with very real consequences for the dogs in question
medical (dw it's good news! but putting it behind the thing just in case)
@purplecoww oof yeah sorry for the three months of panic :/ but glad you are okay!!
@Betty unless you count just putting a whole new palm on as mending then yeah :/
@vicorva i like the cover for first snow! creepy but cozy vibes
@wallhackio @aescling @coriander @Lady neither does the app i mostly use to view mastodon but that hasn’t stopped me
@Lady @wallhackio @coriander @aescling just edit the poll??
@wallhackio @Lady writing for yourself is the best reason to write fandom posts
@wallhackio @Lady i think my exact phrasing was “i don’t really care enough about this game to bother making sense of the math but i am impressed by wallhackios dedication”
@darkmirror very badass haha
if you’re not feeling creative, https://www.sparklingnightmare.com/magicalname.html suggests a title + noun or personal name formula
@SportsGoblin incredibly bizarre to see end racism directly next to a giant chiefs logo with apparently zero irony
maybe too many kink tag suggestions 😅
@xieliansbignaturals if its a spreadsheet, maybe you can quasi-randomize the order somehow? sort by something other than the first column or whatever
sleepy af
also https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/
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