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re: all caps 

@Lady @aescling @wallhackio well i promise if you were in albany you would see just as many people in bills jerseys so it sure does seem like you’re against local pride?

re: all caps 

@aescling @Lady @wallhackio so what you are saying is you were raised in the burbs and associate local pride with evangelical assholes and now can never support anything local ever

re: all caps 

@wallhackio @aescling @Lady shamelessly throwing away an opportunity to be smugly superior to ones sibling, i could never

all caps 

@wallhackio would you rather have rooted for the commanders?!?

@wallhackio im saying your sister has clearly done the homework

@wallhackio well sure because all your classmates were as disadvantaged as you were

@wallhackio not particularly, it’s just the one with the most options so it makes sense that it would win

eg. they/them, one, fae/faer, the spivak pronouns, thon, e/es, ze, hir, æ, etc

@platypus oof burst pipes are brutal! but glad it was a smaller one at least

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (30) 

@Lady yikes

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (30) 

@Lady yes

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (29) 

@Lady second bj must have been great to bring the average up that high after the first failed in every aspect

@tailsteak i generally consider anything with enough angle that you can’t have furniture up against it to be ceiling

@pamela my girlfriend @Lady just started a new webforim and we are having fun so far, if you want to join?

@gaditb @alyssa my theory was somewhat similar, which was the loss of genes (or other assets) which are not passed down through inheritance welcome! feel free to ask questions if you’ve got any :)

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.