covid mitigation talk 

@Cyannin thats a…really odd reaction? i mean, i’m glad they were willing to take other kinds of precautions at least i guess, but “hey can you take a test i have already acquired” feels like one of the easiest possible asks

@mightbekaren is the condensation on the inside or the outside? if its outside idk that there’s much you can do, but in might be at least reduced with a dehumidifier

you could also try putting up window insulation film—it’s usually pretty removable/renter friendly and might help reduce the temp differential thats provoking the condensation?

@akjcv @Lady its your story, you can do whatever the fuck you want

@akjcv @Lady i mean if you can figure out how to talk about your beliefs re: labor rights and the class struggle without talking about Marx or using his coinages, surely you can also talk about your religious beliefs in the same way?

@runpunkrun good to have a rest and recovery day after such a busy one!

@Anke in addition to the cost of supplies, say rather than focus on size, i’d consider how long it took you to make any particular thing. Like, in your case its a hobby so you don’t necessarily need to care about a living wage sure, but if you’re consistently selling your stuff at what would be below the minimum wage for the time it took you to make it then obviously thats too low?

@varve big “awkwardly looking under the bed for that thing you dropped” vibes

@Betty yeah if it’s a lot of extra work to do the alternation i’d drop it, the picots are more than nice enough on their own

@Betty i like the extra spacing! no real opinions about the alternation, i feel like it’d be fine either way?

@otto as someone often fighting with american software over having two middle names, my sympathies

@bright_helpings this is still residually exemplified when the phrase “the seven seas” is used to refer to the 7 oceans

@edebill pesto is a great thing to fill ones freezer with in my experience!

@crybaby we move the laundry usually! or sometimes put it in the dryer. we’ve never turned it or run the machines though (linguistically)

@platypus haha is normal the one or two syllable version?

@Lady except all the local falafel uses greek pita which doesnt do the pockets

@platypus yeah i think we’ve got the full spectrum in my fam based on age/where exactly in PA they grew up/where they are now — eg. my mom is a berry and bury both sound like barry, but some of my aunts are full churry and i split the difference by saying bury and berry with diff vowels

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