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@Lady the pertinent yeah the pertinent part in that request was the “and also cuddles right now”

@being with no context i would assume s/o is shout out and SO is significant other but like, those are entirely different parts of speech (let alone the v different meanings) so I’m sure my brain would subconsciously pick the one that lets it make a coherent sentence regardless of which was used where

@jadedofmara i was too tired to go out so we just set a lure at a pokestop and caught whatever showed up

Enough for me to catch exactly one shiny, which, good enough lol

@u2764 @gaditb mh fair—tho i do still feel like professional relationships are generally more scaled like houses than like romance

@pastelsinmysky ah yeah that makes sense! In that case I’d guess it was just having pushed your knees a bit harder than the rest of your body / them being a bit weaker, and so taking a bit more time to recover

@pastelsinmysky i dont really run anymore but knee problems for me were almost always a sign something was going on with my shoes that needed to be addressed (worn out, wrong style, etc)

you will also definitely feel it in all your little stabilizer muscles if you go harder than you’re comfortable with at your current level of conditioning, but usually i’d expect that to be a bit more diffuse (eg. my knees hurt but so do my ankles and i’ve discovered muscles i didnt know i had in my thighs and lower back) while just one part of the body hurting sounds a bit more concerning/like an injury?

@gaditb @u2764 i definitely wouldn’t want to date 4 other people but in terms of eg. house sharing i feel like thats a pretty nice number?

@FandomChats @asya which would make Y/N fics very unattractive for sure!

@FandomChats not to my taste—i dont generally feel the urge to insert myself into the stories I read/watch and without that main draw they’re normally just het with a very flat FMC which….

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.