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@Cyborgneticz your local library system may be willing to shelve a few copies, tho probably not the whole box 😂

@Lady hm thats fair. But also the interests of the bourgeoise are particularly keenly felt whilst along that path, eg. anyone with a mortgage is invested in low property taxes (which they must pay despite the bank owning their house)

or putting your retirement funds in a Roth IRA means you’re fucked if the tech sector go under, so i guess you better believe them when they say AI is the next bet!

@Lady I feel like the Brazilian marxists were talking about this but i dont remember the details of their argument lemme see if i can track something down

@Lady yeah i don’t know that petit bourgeoise is precisely the right word for “is sufficiently financially entrapped by the bourgeoise that it is in ones short term interests to side with the bourgeoise” which is more whats going on with mortgages etc

@Lady i believe we previously had a whole convo about if home ownership is enough to make someone petit bourgeoise (though i suppose this poll then requires a second convo about whether middle class requires sufficient wealth as to own a home. Wikipedia says at least a third of their income should be discretionary to qualify which implies they at least could be homeowners?)

@wallhackio i feel like we’ve strongly biased this poll by ensuring most of your followers have seen exactly one of these

@pagrus yeah they are tiny compared to their nearest relatives (emus, ostriches, etc) but really still quite large!

@pagrus yeah it’d be pretty far from home if it were one! they are roughly chicken sized though, which would rule out pretty much every other option haha

@pagrus i am looking at photos of snowy plovers and they are adorable but also extremely do not have that beak (they also generally seem to have a lighter coloring, though its hard to tell with your pic’s lighting)

@Lady i feel like this would be a much more devious question if she wasnt shown to be scared of Daoming Si on a semi-regular basis

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.