U·S politics
« Mr. Biden has centered his re-election campaign around the idea of “Bidenomics,” his record of infrastructure, high tech and clean energy spending aimed at creating good industrial jobs and shrinking income inequality. Despite those broad policies, Mr. Potrykus [68, a longtime electrician in the Ford plant], eyeing his own expenses, said he didn’t see either Democrats or Republicans as fighting for the working class.
“I don’t think either party is really interested in that,” he said. “It’s a war on us now. You’ve got the super rich and then you’ve got the poor.” »
re: music
if you’re just going to listen to one song, “Radial Chatter” goes hardest on first listen
new janice kwan is good
bad praxis is better than no praxis and idc what your specific take is but if you think “the fediverse would be better off with No people countering racism than These Specific people countering racism” you are objectively wrong and clearly haven’t really thought about it
amount of time it takes @Satsuma to realize i put on the shirt they took off instead of my own
the other day people were sharing an npr article where an FDA guy was reported to insinuate that updated COVID vaccines might only be intended for at-risk folks.
the CDC voted nearly unanimously to authorize the updated vaccine for everybody. the head of the CDC published an opinion piece in the New York Times today titled “As a Doctor, a Mother and the Head of the C.D.C., I Recommend That You Get the Latest Covid Booster”. there was never any question that they were going to do this. stop listening to NPR
it's not like CNN where it's just everywhere or like the NYT where it is a notable newspaper of record. it's npr. you have to actively seek out their wealthy white suburbanite perspective if you want it
nintendo direct leak; animal crossing
“so you thought that animal crossing new horizons had too many things to do and not enough animal personalities?? well the new animal crossing has NO things to do and JUST animal personalities. have tea with your bestie animal neighbours. ask them about their day and relish as they take an interest in yours. pet them softly on their head or watch as they show you their various outfits. feeling sick? have your animal buddy order you FREE covid tests and schedule a telehealth appointment thanks to a new partnership with NIH. having a mental health crisis? choose from one of several ASMR options to relax, or hit a punching bag with your animal partner thanks to Joy-Con™ motion controls.”
« The union, under its new president, Shawn Fain, wants workers who make electric vehicle components like batteries to benefit from the better pay and labor standards that the roughly 150,000 U.A.W. members enjoy at the three automakers. Most battery plants are not unionized. »
relationship status
~5 years since @Satsuma was like “hey weirdo you should give me a contact information other than just Mastodon”
6 months since i was like “hey weirdo actually we should just date”
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.