@Cyborgneticz @platypus @bright_helpings marx, engels, and the spectre haunting europe is my new poly triad costume
dragon pokémon
i can’t believe they made a hydreigon sitting cuties plush https://www.pokemoncenter.com/product/701-95909/hydreigon-sitting-cuties-plush-6-in
sports teams
or maybe that's just me being a 90's kid; i saw ken griffey and edgar martinez and a-rod in the kingdome when i was 4 yk?
sports teams
might not be obvious to folks not from the area but the most Seattle teams are the one that doesn't exist and the one that always blows their season halfway thru
The first episode is out now: https://vod.newellijay.tv/w/pPvc8idaFyY8pbYePFoXCk
and I'm about to sit down and watch it for the first time.
Connor is building a framework for understanding the ways that the french/english/american imperial relationship with the rest of the world shapes the way international news is reported.
It's about media literacy under imperialism.
re: web design
now if they just learned that all 4 borders don’t have to be the same type
pokémon gamers are attempting critical media theory
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.