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meta meta 

people sure do have a lot of faith in meta to build a good product considering meta is a company which has built approximately zero good products

starbucks workers united 

« Starbucks workers and the union say that since the unionization campaign began in 2021, the company has more aggressively enforced its dress code and rules governing the material workers can post in stores, as well as other employee conduct, as a way to intimidate and retaliate against union supporters.

“They’re trying to make people feel unwelcome in whatever way possible — through more strict enforcement of the dress code or anything,” said Casey Moore, a union spokeswoman. “The Pride decorations are another level of that.” »

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starbucks workers united 

« Starbucks Workers United said employees at more than 150 stores would strike over the company’s labor practices and its “hypocritical treatment of LGBTQIA+ workers.”


The union said that it was striking over the changes to Pride decoration policies, which it argued must be negotiated, as well as the company’s broader response to the organizing campaign, including widespread retaliation against union supporters. The union said in its statement that workers were “demanding that Starbucks negotiate a fair contract with union stores and stop their illegal union-busting campaign.” »

The soldiers ordered
the crowd to disperse, but the
order was ignored

In the diagrammed
position, if it is Black's
turn to move, he moves

you all think me playing totk without getting the paraglider is weird but 

for a long time i was tempted to not even do any shrines


humans really will take the most horrible extremes of any situation and call it magical and significant


there is a world in which they are thrown in prison, and there is a world in which they are launched into space or sunk to the bottom of the ocean

we’d all prefer the former, but

a good game nintendo made recently 

Metroid DREAD


giving that new Milky Chance a listen


has a remarkable paucity of cats

re: fight for a future where 

i’m not saying pokémon is perfect but c’mon it’s at least as cool as ovid must’ve been

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fight for a future where 

academics cite pokédex entries the way they currently do ovid’s metamorphoses

from the UTC Document Register 

« In any case, the argument for “atomic characters” was nothing more than “font developers won’t know how to draw it”, which is pretty poor argument given the simplicity of this feature and the complexity of many scripts in the standard. It’s a loop that attaches to the base character in a convenient way. I proposed a Unicode Technical Note on the typography of the character but never received a response to that. »

In an infinite
game like business there are no
winners or losers

Ao3 Tag of the Day 

this isn’t explicitly breeding but it can be if you want

zelda fanfic 

« Sleeping isn't easy when you spent the last several thousand years as an immortal dragon »

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zelda fanfic 

« Hyrule is finally recovering and returning to normal. And what's more normal than a shitty relationship? »

ao3/otw elections 

don’t think a single candidate is saying “carry on, this is a great org doing everything right, i will preserve it just the way it is” so that’s something

relationship re: my dreamwidth 

evidently they are attracted to this bullshit?? idk i wish i understood

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.