art take
technical skill is cool and all but it isn’t the part of the thing that makes the art the art
♓🧩 Piscēs 0.4.0
tech communities
i mean i do :—
const getDataViewBuffer =
// later…
const buffer = Reflect.apply(
—: and that’s not even a weird edge case really that’s just a normal feature of the language
but i feel like most developers would look at that, say “it is not obvious to me what is happening here”, and move on rather than try learning
tech communities
the other problem is that while i try not to make my code incomprehensible to people who are willing to learn about niche uses for edge cases in the ecmascript spec, it definitely is incomprehensible to the sort of person who has no interest in ever learning stuff like that
tech communities
no shade against applications programming or ui/ux dev but most of my nonprofessional work is extremely not that and i don’t have anyone i can say “hey check out this datatype implementation isn’t it cool” to rn
relationship things
me: 20 words of weird niche tech jargon
@Satsuma: mhm yes i understand this entirely and you are very correct
mastodon history
although if a progressive jew asked ME for a mastodon server recommendation i'd probably just say lol
mastodon history
there was a reddit thread like “is there a Judaism mastodon server?” and i was like yes??? but apparently the answer was no???
anyway has since come into existence
ecmascript; software licensing
when i first started using the MPL i figured the copyleft aspects really weren’t that restrictive because ecmascript is generally a trivial language to extend and patch from a different source file
but with the kinds of code i write these days that is much less the case
i’m not complaining lol
as far as i can tell these functions have exactly the same effect in all cases lmao
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.