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my dreamwidth 

honestly is just a dumping grounds for the things i say in conversation to @Satsuma and think maybe should be available to the rest of you as well

re: the new york times re: globalization 

(click the link not the preview, it should be unlocked)

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meta meta 

participation in the fediverse has a way higher bar to entry than meta will ever be satisfied with and as soon as they realize this they will pull the plug

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meta meta 

super excited for them to waste more money on things which they don't understand and will never work

end otw racism 

was going to comment with some of this on the call to action itself but i got a bit too annoyed and it became a whole post of its own

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end otw racism 

on the one hand, this isn’t as terrible as it sounds since a majority of board seats ARE up for election this year

on the other hand, they’ve yet to confirm that there even are four antiracist candidates running and they certainly haven’t said who they are

on the gripping hand, the O·T·W board actually does not have much real power, so this seems at best like it won’t produce much in the way of results, and at worst like a good way to position yourself to take the blame (should your candidates get elected and not be able to deliver) for all the things the organization has been failing at so far

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end otw racism 

has decided to switch tactics from “direct action” to “voting”

zelda status 

• pursued the yiga into the gerudo mines
• took on kohga again
• okay now i have to figure out how to get OUT of here
• (made it eventually)
• stopped by the yiga hideout in gerudo canyon but they wouldn't let me in, rude
• got more geoglyphs
• checked in on gerudo town since i’ve otherwise done all that i need to in that area
• everything is sand
• busted into gerudo town; tracked down the clothing store; got some SAND BOOTS and SNOW BOOTS which i have been sorely missing
• met up with riju and zapped some gibdos

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zelda thoughts 

also wow they really decided to make Ganondorf sympathetic in this one huh

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zelda thoughts 

interesting that Sonia is described as “Hyrulean” not “Hylian”—implying that Hylia worship isn’t a thing yet

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apparently relevant First Monday article on Reddit 

“Even pseudonyms and throwaways delete their Reddit posts”

zelda status 

• teleported to near the next geoglyph
• fuck i left my horse behind fuck fuck
• met another Great Fairy
• got the next geoglyph
• okay now SURELY it is time to do the cool great plateau quest
• found a Yiga Hideout and fucked them up
• tossed the eyes in the holes!!
• carefully carefully descended with a <del>balloon</del><ins>parachute</ins>
• well it’s a good thing i have so much glowy plant
• wait now i have GLOWY PANT
• duked it out with my best pal Master Kohga
• gerudo mines? convenient i was headed towards gerudo anyway
• broke like all of my bows whoops
• empty bullet point to prevent this post from being local-only

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everybody loves collecting things in breath of the wild 

does that mean a sequel to donkey kong 64 is coming

zelda status 

• beat the wind temple
• hopped around some stables and helped some folks
• encountered a satori under a tree
• met kilton and koltin
• got my first Great Fairy to come out of her flower
• got the next geoglyph

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zelda thoughts 

she absolutely wants to become a dragon the second mineru mentions it

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zelda thoughts 


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you: complaining about her writing

me: complaining that her amiibo just give you flowers and herbs and shit


do you actually want to know the answer to this or

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.