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there are so many writers out there who are good and clever but privileged enough that they never had to face consequences for their writing when they were younger, who are now popular enough with a big enough audience that no matter what they do they will be surrounded by fans

and it’s just sad to see talent get wasted like that

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i don’t think you really understand how, as a writer, you have the capacity to hurt people until you do

so please don’t write for a large audience if you don’t have any experience fucking things up for a small one

unfair that i still have to use the microwave when dragons can just cook things in their mouths

if you are going to share a small fragment of writing devoid of any context, the only merits i can judge it on are technical

so pick a technically skillful piece of writing

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amazon keeps trying to sell me on their serial fiction service by sharing small quotes from the stories but friends the quotes are bad?? it’s not working

i play pokémon because i like raising cute creatures to be strong

the more gameplay there is for raising cute creatures to be strong, the more cumbersome things are for competitive players who just want to play with their desired teams

letting you farm experience candies with max raid battles or transfer egg moves by just putting two pokémon together in the nursery in SwSh is objectively good for competitive players but also takes all the fun out of gaining experience or pokémon breeding for me

those parts of the games went from challenges in their own right to just facilitatory mechanics in preparation for the challenge of battling

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pokémon games will never be as good as no-frills battle simulators for competitive play and they should embrace that instead of trying to turn an RPG into a battle simulator but with more grinding

and also make actual battle simulators instead of trying to shut them down

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honestly i don't like the QoL improvements in recent pokémon games

Instead, we argue
about what sources are most

song to play instead when your relatives ask you to put on Hamilton for the holiday:

bigoted is when you try to justify your own personal aesthetic preferences as somehow morally superior or culturally enlightened or more civilized or more universal than other possible aesthetic preferences, fool

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annual reminder that gender dysphoria is specifically excluded by Congress from ever being accommodated in the workplace

Daddy was a bankrobber
But he never hurt nobody
He just loved to live that way
And he loved to steal your money

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.