honestly i don't like the QoL improvements in recent pokémon games

pokémon games will never be as good as no-frills battle simulators for competitive play and they should embrace that instead of trying to turn an RPG into a battle simulator but with more grinding

and also make actual battle simulators instead of trying to shut them down


i play pokémon because i like raising cute creatures to be strong

the more gameplay there is for raising cute creatures to be strong, the more cumbersome things are for competitive players who just want to play with their desired teams

letting you farm experience candies with max raid battles or transfer egg moves by just putting two pokémon together in the nursery in SwSh is objectively good for competitive players but also takes all the fun out of gaining experience or pokémon breeding for me

those parts of the games went from challenges in their own right to just facilitatory mechanics in preparation for the challenge of battling

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