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list of Posix-compliant utilities written while listening to one or more albums by Godspeed You! Black Emperor

list of operating system distributions where at least two of the five most significant contributors are women

list of open software projects forked from existing open software projects by people who were kicked out for being too abrasive

list of open-source projects which have been sponsored by “Fortnite v-bucks redeem codes”

one thing i will say about it right now is T·E·I has far better documentation

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they’re all 11 letters so you’ll need to fill in some perpendiculars before you know the answer

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“a person who fills out crosswords”

kind of girl who was assigned cop at birth but later transitioned to be a lesbian anarchist hacker

as Stallman found it impractical to establish his own sovereign nation-state and obtain recognition from the United Nations and other world governments, he decided to continue living in Massachusetts

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« As Stallman deemed it impractical in the short term to eliminate current copyright law and the wrongs he perceived it to perpetuate, he decided to work within the framework of existing law » “impractical”, sure

somebody at apple please inform them that `COMMAND_MODE=legacy diff` is in fact the UNIX‐compliant diff and always has been

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it’s not that i don’t want copyleft free software with a dedicated community of maintainers it’s just that this community of maintainers is shit and if you haven’t split off from them by now i have reservations about your code being good

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i actually ideologically support copyleft in principle! why are you making my opinions look the same to outsiders as apple corp!

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at that era where i find myself preferring BSD versions of programs just because they weren’t developed by FSF

i am constantly walking around like “fufufu” and my girlfriend is like “why are you laughing?” and i am like “baka!!”

what a time to be alive when studios have figured out that sexy n·p·c’s can be used to build a challenge/reward feedback loop too

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.