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yes… it is true… gamers are not just motivated by the visceral feeling of pulverizing thousands of enemies… gamers can also be motivated by sex

“just give the computer enough data and it will come up with its own ideas of what to say”

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i think it is very funny that some of the biggest companies in the world decided to sink massive amounts of money into the problem of making computers better at talking to humans, and they all collectively decided that solving that problem did not include, as acceptance criteria, “be able to tell the computer what to say”

honestly feeling the new zayn more than the new billie rn

anyway an L·L·M would never give you this code and if it did you wouldn’t trust it

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apparently the answer if you want to limit yourself to v6 in theory is to do the same thing but tarball the temporary file with pax and then read out the modified time in list mode with -o 'listopt=%(mtime=%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)T'

if you want to limit yourself to v6 in practice (nobody actually implements listopt), same thing but manually parse the tarball

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if you were wondering, apparently the answer is

if test ! -f build/.mtime; then printf '%b' '\n' > build/.mtime; fi; touch -r "$FILE" build/.mtime; TZ=UTC0 diff -u build/.mtime /dev/null | sed '1!d;s/.*\t\([^ ]\) \([^ ]\).*/\1T\2Z/'

(replacing \t with a tab character)

BUT this requires version 7 of POSIX

BUT it should still work in e·g Macintosh even tho they’re not strictly conformant

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“chatgpt how to get the last modified time of a file using only posix commandline utilities”

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how much you wanna bet ChatGPT is trained on GNU utilities and the things it suggest do something entirely different on BSD‐based platforms like macOS

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« Using OpenAI's ChatGPT API, iTerm2 can now write commands for you, interpret the output of commands, and guide you towards a goal. See the AI section below for details. » iTerm…

me when major united states corporations decide to tie their business model to it: :Eevee_shocked:

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this company seems sus; i sure hope that no major united states corporations have decided to tie their business model to it

“the first responsibility of any system is to sustain itself” factoid actualy just statistical error. average system does not sustain itself. nationalism georg, which posits an end to history and sustains itself across 10,000 governments, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

the only game that you could make an argument that the zelda timeline was relevant for was hyrule warriors

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very funny to me that nintendo created the zelda timeline as a marketing stunt for skyward sword and then placed skyward sword at the beginning so the timeline does not even matter

more software library readmes need to start with the line “DON’T LIKE? DON’T USE!”

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.