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listen to actual punks not the ones on the internet

i love waking up to a lesbian in my bed ❤️

my girlfriend is SO NICE she puts up with all my sleepy mumbles ❤️

“oh yeah, i’m so glad that 6 months ago i made that baseless prediction and posted it to the public internet, it really looks fresh and prescient in retrospect”

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stop making takes which will almost certainly look bad in 6 months

“single family home” well we’re a family and ONE of us is single

Copies of albums
by the band have since become
difficult to find

Watson goes there and
confronts Holmes, who is disguised
as an old woman

still l·m·a·o·ing at the people who are like “i hate those apps who include the boosters in the mentions when people reply because people will say headass shit while tagging me and i’m Mortified”

yeah you SHOULD be mortified, that’s the whole fucking point, take responsibility for your networks

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friends don’t boost takes nothing good comes of it

use your own words

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“this person is wrong or at least oversimplifying, and if a mutual did that i would push back against it, but instead they just boosted this rando who it would be inappropriate for me to push back against, since i don’t know them or care, but that means my mutual is going to continue on continuing on being Slightly Wrong, which is awkward”

it is commonly claimed that English does not have grammatical gender, but this is actually a lie. english has two genders, which are marked on the singular indefinite article: gender 1 is words that use “a”, like “a awesome dragon”, and gender 2 is words that use “an”, like “an complex object”. hope this helps! :rockfact:

this story has good gay moments but you don't need to give link the backstory of luke skywalker

yeah fuck it i’m just making my own T·E·I customization and if there’s anything actually advantageous in Docbook I’ll just add it in

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woke up dreaming of hot buttery pretzels and now i’m hungy…

@aescling for professional development do you want to develop and maintain an operating system

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.