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because -core now is typically used in a softer manner than -punk

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what's funny is that the -core suffix originates from hardcore punk

the song currently playing on NPR i first heard remixed on a trip-hop track from blocSonic in the early 2010s

« Applied to animations, such transformations can be used to produce animations that mimic physical phenomena such as momentum or to cause the animation to move in discrete steps producing robot-like movement. » how does W3C think robots move

so my theory is that the flu-like symptoms of COVID-19 aren’t actually the flu, regardless of what they teach you in SCHOOL

what fans don’t want to admit is that twilight was actually better than harry potter

half of the reports made to glitch cat family have been jokes

updated my homepage with apps and more reference materials

imagining a programming language which requires you to write your code in order

my reason for switching around alphabetic characters is largely not for the purpose of typing ergonomics for alphabetic characters, it’s making the higher levels of the keyboard layout make sense

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i think it actually makes more sense to swap Y and F; a lot of words end in ‐ny or ‐ey and it’s nice to have them on different hands

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.