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what if my make my keyboard layout QZERHGIUOF

nobody attempted to answer this very interesting question, which, fair

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I've been writing and running a little Rails forum for about a month now for some friends!

I think I still have a little bit to go for a 1.0 for the software (mainly pagination, our forum is too small to require it yet) but think it's in a place where I can recommend it to others if you're interested in shaping development.

if you're interested in running a little forum for your friends or an existing community, check it out (and let me know so I start versioning!):

somehow people never make that leap though they just want the private organizations to do good for everybody out of some sense of personal justice or idek

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a state-owned institution, funded by the people and acting on their behalf and in their interests, has moral, legal, and political responsibilities to meet their needs.

a private organization doesn’t. a private organization certainly doesn’t have an obligation to meet the needs of EVERY person. they can just pick a subset.

if all the private organizations are picking subsets which don’t include you, that’s a strong argument for state ownership.

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sometimes the way people talk about companies is as if they think companies should be owned by the state

sometimes these people are even anarchists

yesterday for work i literally copy pasted the XSLT that generates the index pages of and slapped an MIT license on it and stuck it in a work repository

imagine if tumblr users knew how to throw out a good etaoin instead of an asghfklgs

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good ol' linotype, saving us from the boring comprehensibility of the modern era

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people who know etaoin shrdlu also have access to a much better set of arbitrary variable names than foo and bar

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people who know etaoin shrdlu have a distinct advantage at wordle

TARES is also good

you should definitely have both T and S in your first word because those letters are frequent combinators (without them H becomes much less likely); S at the end gives you peace of mind; L or R helps point you to/away from BL/PL/GL/CL and BR/PR/DR/TR/GR/CR

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my proposal for wordle starting word is TELOS

coin enthusiasts just can't handle that the high-tech future of money is paper

for ( const $ in new Array (5).fill() ) {
try {
console.log(`processing step ${ +$ + 1 }…`)
throw new Error }
catch ( error ) {
break }
finally {
continue } }

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.