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what is the current situation regarding reasonably good (measured by support for standards) eInk ebook readers (that aren’t made by Amazon)

whenever you say “we” when lobbying a criticism at an industry tendency i go 😒

oh right anarchists don't place the same emphasis on propaganda

reminder that Porygon can’t be copied, but can be bred

caught a :Unown_C_CHASE:; naming it “CINNAMON”

caught a :Unown_J_JOIN:; naming it “ORANGE”

china should nationalize Tencent Video and release all of their content, unencumbered, into the public domain so that i, a humble american lesbian, can watch their dramas with my girlfriend somewhere other than netflix

i named a pokémon after my girlfriend and always message her whenever it helps me win

interestingly, i haven't seen any “the world would be so much better if all humans lived in close proximity to each other” takes since the pandemic started

people whose names start with “IL” are powerful

like just make your thing Hello Kitty. that’s what it’s there for

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that’s not how the critical apparatus is designed to operate

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why do academics get like “an oblique reference to some author’s theory or an essay which only has relevance within my incredibly narrow field? i will make this my entire identity now”

authors do not get to decide what is or isn’t canon to their works this is my strongly‐held opinion

anyway twitter is weird and has no sense of longevity of discourse

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remember when they tried to say alt-games was some kind of racist thing

maybe hardcore anarchos aren’t the true punks after all

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.