@wallhackio alternative gothic noise pop
10-year-old looking out the car window as miles of forest flash by: the world is very big
20-year-old who has traversed thousands of miles in a matter of hours on an airplane: the world is very small
30-year-old who hasn’t seen their blood family in years and doesn’t own a vehicle: the world is very big
@wallhackio album by jenny hval
@wallhackio you cannot
@aescling @wallhackio listen to blood bitch
@aescling listen to blood bitch
@wallhackio . @Satsuma was very impressed
@wallhackio i don't think your sister is coping well you should share some techniques
@wallhackio how does it feel to root for the losing team
protestants who are like “we have chosen a branch of catholic thought which is simply too progressive for the roman catholic church to tolerate” are good. protestants who are like “i would like to discard the entire history of catholic thought in favour of this novel interpretation i made up by ignoring all but the literal words of the biblical text” are bad. these are my takes on christian religion
@aescling the whole monarchist lions are innately king thing was always too much for me
@aescling not the part where the birdie gets lost in her tits but the part where maid marian is all princess daisy mario tennis
@aescling the badminton scene made me a lesbian
@aescling the lion king is bad so this tracks
@aescling you’re a furry
@aescling this does not help me evaluate whether it holds up
@aescling did you like it
@aescling have you seen sleeping beauty
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.