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i don't think i have the energy for like minecraft everyday but i could probably do like minecraft mondays or something

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remember when kitty hosted a minecraft server that was nice

@coriander yeah merrill can do whatever she wants with me tbh

@aescling if she wasn’t less than 1000 years old then maybe it would have been more appealing but as it was she just seemed excessively juvenile

@aescling in Fire Emblem (Fire Emblem) Eliwood canonically marries a dragon but i don’t ship it

maddening mode is hard but it’s not so hard you can’t send a bitch to go kill a dragon or two

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i’m a magic princess
on a pegasus i fly
dead or alive

@aescling those spooky pale green skirts
with nobody inside them

not wearing pants in bed is a lot nicer when there is somebody else not wearing pants in bed with you

@aescling @wallhackio sure that’s fine what’s important is shadow is a bad bitch lesbian

@wallhackio shadow the hedgehog is Princess Eggman and also uses guns

shadow the hedgehog is like what if they gave a princess some guns

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.