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i should update my profile picture and display name as the season is now Carnival not Advent; i am tired however

your employer should not hold copyright over your code, writings, datasets, or other intellectual pursuits

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what i have to say about the packers is they’re better than the steelers

@Ottergirljazz @aescling @coriander “the right to choose and redefine gender” is actually just neoliberal trans rights (the right to participate in society as a consumer, insofar as gender is defined as a series of consumer decisions, for example what clothes you buy or what medical apparatuses you involve yourself in; if you absolve yourself of market forces then you’re just back to normal liberalism, the right to make decisions about your life and body as an egoistic individual)

marxist trans rights is the right to participate in society as a trans person, for example the right to access community spaces like bathrooms, involve yourself in community events like sports, participate in productive and reproductive labour like finding employment without discrimination, getting married, raising children, teaching, producing art which is available in libraries and public spaces, and so forth

take note of which of these fascists are currently coming hardest for

@wallhackio the goal of computational linguistics is to transform human language into a machine-processable model which you can then apply technological processes to. the core questions of the field are “what does this model look like” and “how do you do those transformations”. unfortunately, the model tends to be something which looks like a Western, Enlightenment, Structuralist approach to semantics, which i think is ultimately incorrect. firstly, I’m not convinced that English and Japanese (for example) DO model meaning in the same way; i think the question is open whether there even IS a model which all languages can be mapped to unproblematically. if there isn’t, you have to choose a model, which has implications for how fully different languages can be supported. the trend of course is to fully support English and let other languages fall where they may. secondly, i think the Structuralist approach is inadequate even for English; the idea that there is a comprehensible ontology of concepts and language is simply a means of expressing relationships between those concepts has been, i think, discredited since the 1970s. one of the reasons why A·I is so effective is because it doesn’t bother with this notion; it has no need for a backing ontology. but of course this is also why A·I sometimes produces nonsense

would you fuck isabelle from animal crossing

@wallhackio i feel like the whole field (a) suffers from epistemological failings in approach and (b) has been eaten by A·I

when i graduated college almost a decade ago i briefly considered trying to get into computational linguistics and i am very glad i never did

youtube video about why white people utterly fail every time they try to rearrange a piece of the pokémon soundtrack

@aschmitz we were constrained by wanting to do our New Years traditions at the beginning of the intercalary period and our Epiphany traditions at the end, meaning 01 January definitely could not be the first day of the year

would you fuck isabelle from animal crossing

@wallhackio we don't care about saturn or jesus but we do care about the season of carnival, which runs from “kings day” until lent and consequently must be begun with a kings cake

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.